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    2016-09-26 编辑:基础部 点击:[] 来源:



    学时学分: 总学时:72 学分:4分

    开课时间: 第二学期

    适用对象: 护理专业

    教学用书: Jimmy Liu主编《涉外护理英语情景对话 1》外语教学与研究出版社

    考核方式:形成性评价(50%)+ 终结性评价(50%)



    教学内容 学时数

    理论 实践

    Chapter 1 Outpatient Department Consultation

    Unit 1 Finding Your Way 2

    Chapter 1 Outpatient Department Consultation

    Unit 2 Orientation to the Hospital 2

    Chapter 1 Outpatient Department Consultation

    Unit 3 Conversation for Patients (1) 1 1

    Chapter 2 Registration at Outpatient Department

    Unit 1 Registration Card 3 1

    Chapter 2 Registration at Outpatient Department Conversation 1 & 2 3 1

    Chapter 3 Waiting for Consultation Unit 1 Conversation for Patients(2) 3 1

    Chapter 3 Waiting for Consultation Unit 2 Conversation for Patients(3) 3 1

    Chapter 4 Consultation

    Unit 1 In the Medical Clinic 3 1

    Chapter 4 Consultation

    Unit 2 In the Surgical Clinic 3 1

    Chapter 4 Consultation

    Unit 3 In the Gynecology Clinic 3 1

    Chapter 4 Consultation

    Unit 4 In the Pediatric Clinic 3 1

    Chapter 5 Collecting Blood Sample

    Unit 1 Collecting Blood Sample 3 1

    Chapter 5 Collecting Blood Sample

    Unit 2 Collecting Urine Sample 3 1

    Chapter 5 Collecting Blood Sample

    Unit 3 ECG 3 1

    Chapter 5 Collecting Blood Sample

    Unit 4 X-ray 3 1

    Chapter 6 Collecting Medicines from the Pharmacy

    Unit 1 How to Collect Medicine 3 1

    Chapter 6 Collecting Medicines from the Pharmacy

    Unit 2 Methods of Administration of Medications 3 1

    Chapter 7 Hospital Admissions

    Unit 1 Hospital Admission Procedure 2 2

    Chapter 7 Hospital Admissions

    Unit 2 Hospital Admission Information 2

    Chapter 7 Hospital Admissions

    Unit 3 Ward Admission 3 1


    Chapter 1 Outpatient Department Consultation


    1) 帮助学生熟悉有关问路、指路的基本句型。

    2) 帮助学生掌握关于门诊部问诊的相关信息。

    3) 熟悉门诊部相关部门的英语名称。



    Can you show me the way to the hospital?

    Excuse me, can you tell me where the hospital is?

    Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?

    Do you know how to get to the hospital?



    the Outpatient Department (OPD), the Emergency Department(ER), the Inpatient Department, the Cath Lab, the Admission Office, the nurses’ Station;Registration Office; Observation Room; Injection Room; Waiting Room; Intensive Care Situation



    1) Some sentence patterns about asking for \showing directions

    Can you show me the way to the hospital?

    Excuse me, can you tell me where the hospital is?

    Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?

    Do you know how to get to the hospital?

    2) English names of different departments in a hospital

    the Outpatient Department (OPD); the Emergency Department(ER); the Cath Lab;

    the Inpatient Department; the Admission Office; the nurses’ Station; Registration Office; Observation Room; Injection Room; Waiting Room; Intensive Care Situation

    3) Some language points

    take the admission; the admission procedures; the admission office; the outpatient appointment card; daily article; a nurse-call system; by the end of; find out; run out of; full service; self-service


    Situation A: Student A is a nurse on duty who is explaining where the Outpatient Department is located to a new patient. Student B is the patient who is asking for the directions to the Outpatient Department.

    Situation B: Student A is a nurse on duty who is going to introduce the ward regulations to a new patient. Student B is the patient who has just been admitted to hospital.

    Chapter 2 Registration at Outpatient Department


    1) 帮助学生学会怎么填写登记卡

    2) 帮助学生熟悉关于预约的基本句型

    3) 熟悉相关语言知识点


    1) 登记卡

    2) 预约的相关句型


    1) 医院相关科室的英语名称

    2) 相关的语言知识点



    1) Some information included in a registration card

    the patient’s name; address; telephone number; sex(male\female); chief complaints; medical record No. date of birth; date of admission; date of discharge; attending MD; primary care MD; admitted from hospital; family history; chief complaints

    2) Some sentence patterns about making appointments

    I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Smith.

    I’d like to see Dr. Smith for consultation as soon as possible.

    I have an appointment with Dr. Smith.

    3) English names of different departments in a hospital

    the hospital lobby; the medical clinic; the Admission & Emergency Department; the X-ray Department; the special unit; the pharmacy shop; the waiting room;Information Desk; Billing;

    4) Some language points

    chief complaints; complain of; at the clinic; the main building; be oriented to; have a medical checkup; call for an appointment; just a moment; the main subway station; as soon as possible; the receiving clerk; fill out; fill up

    5) Role-play

    Situation A: Student A plays the role as a patient who is going to see a doctor. Student B plays the role as a nurse to help him make an appointment.

    Situation B: Student A plays the role as a patient who is going to see a doctor. Student B is giving him the directions.


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